
Collagen Rich Foods, Skin Care, Healthy Skin, Collagen For Healthy Skin

5 Collagen Rich Foods For Well Nourished Skin

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Collagen Rich Foods, Skin Care, Healthy Skin, Collagen For Healthy Skin

Just when you thought the ACs and coolers have provided relief from the scorching heat outside, your skin starts acting weird. It gets pale and tanned, with acne and pimple showing up here and there. Ever wondered why? It is because of the extreme dehydration we undergo due to heat and sweat during the summers. That's right. Dehydration affects our skin too, speeding up the ageing process. This is why health experts suggest chugging gallons of water to keep up the water balance in our bodies. But did you know, that just drinking water is not enough to get healthy and nourished skin?! For this, you also need a protein called collagen. Present in bones, joints, blood, muscles and cartilages, collagen is the most important protein for healthy-looking skin, giving elasticity and strength. In fact, collagen makes up a third of the total body protein. However, collagen production starts slowing down with age.

Your body naturally produces collagen, and you can consume it through dietary sources such as chicken skin and fish skin as well as collagen supplements.

Here're 5 Collagen-Rich Food Options For You:

1. Chicken:

Chicken is rich in amino acids, which play an important role in collagen production in our body. Besides, several studies from across the world have also found that some parts of chicken (neck and cartilage) are a great source of collagen and may help treat arthritis.

Chicken Dinner » FREE for commercial use photos.

2. Fish:

Fish is considered a potent source of amino acids and essential minerals like zinc and copper that help in the production of collagen in the body. Besides, fish also contain healthy fats that help promote glowing and healthy skin.

headless fishes with sliced of lemons on brown wooden chopping board

3. Citrus Fruits:

Lemon and other citrus fruits contain good amount of antioxidants and vitamin C, which not only help in collagen production but also flush out toxins, leading to well-nourished skin. Besides, citric fruits help fight skin inflammation too.

sliced grapefruits

4. Leafy Vegetables:

Leafy vegetables like spinach, lettuce etc are considered a superfood as it contains every essential nutrient our body needs for overall growth and nourishment. It also contains chlorophyll, which according to some studies plays a major role in collagen production.

sliced broccoli and cucumber on plate with gray stainless steel fork near green bell pepper, snowpea, and avocado fruit

5. Bell Pepper:

Bell Pepper is loaded with vitamin C, antioxidants, amino acids and several essential minerals that help boost skin health. Besides, it contain an anti inflammatory compound called capsaicin which may help comabt skin ageing.

red and yellow bell peppers in brown woven basket

Now that you know what food ingredients help promote collagen production, make them a part of your everyday diet without any delay.

If you do not get any of the above mentioned food items, then you can use Samarya Collagen Powder . It helps you in boosting immunity and gives you a  flawless skin.  It reduces joint pain and makes your wrinkles fade away.

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Collagen Rich Foods, Skin Care, Healthy Skin, Collagen For Healthy Skin

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